Saturday, November 20, 2010



To my Beloved Yow Fung, Alwyn, Vincent, Daisy, Aaron and Sieng Sieng.

I will keep this really "S"hort, "S"incere and "S"weat!

Oops, it's sweet, typo error!hee

I would like to quote the first phrase of a popular saying,

To err is human,

No man in this world is perfect (except Jesus),

So, I wish to apologize for all my silly jokes or words that might have hurt u

or offense u, directly or indirectly,

I'm sorry! Hope u will forgive me!=p

The emotion that I'm having now is really...

especially after I took my bath and sat down quietly alone,

the tangki of tears really full and going to overflow.

That's the best I could express it out in words.

I really truly lorry love u all


today is really the most memorable day in my 1.5 years of PJ's life.

Thank you for leaving me such a memorable, unforgettable and no-way-to-delete kind of memory!

Lastly, I wanna say it once again,

Thank you, I love u guys and may God bless u abundantly in all areas of your life!

